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This section illustrates where the expected values are found within the Auth0 dashboards. For a more detailed guide on creating an Auth0 application and API, see below. Use these values to configure an external JWT signer.

Example Auth0 OpenID Discovery Endpoint

FieldWhere to Find the ValueExample
IssuerApplication Settings in Basic Information. The Domain of the app prefixed with "https://"
Client IDApplication Settings in Basic Information. The Client IDHTgNgEjHR9Q3krXiShYsrVOh6pRNrtH0q
AudienceThe API Audience on the APIs dashboard or in General Settings as the Identifier of the API
External Auth URLThe same value as the Issuer
JWKS EndpointUse the jwks_uri field from the OpenID discovery endpoint. Often the Auth0 domain + ".well-known/jwks.json"
Claims PropertyOften email, but can also be sub or any other claim contained in the JWTemail
Scopesopenid included by default then any other standard or custom scope such as email, profileetc.profile offline_access

Get an Auth0 Account

If you don't already have an account you can sign up for a free account at

Add an Application (if necessary)

Once you have an Auth0 account, expand Application, choose Applications again in the left navbar then find the Create Application button and click it:

Add Application

Auth0 Applications

Choose the Type of Application

Give the application a name, then choose Single Page Web Applications and click Create.

Choose Application Type

Auth0 Applications

Ignore the Quickstart tab and simply select the Settings tab to proceed.

Skip Quickstart Type Selection

Auth0 Applications

Callback URLs

The Authorization Code Flow with PKCE or PKCE flow requires configuring callback URLs the Identity Provider (IdP) will allow redirecting to. If the URL for a specific client is not specifically listed, the IdP will deny the authentication request. Depending on the technology used to authenticate to the OpenZiti Network, different URLs need to be specified. More than one URL is allowed to be configured. Decide if you are configuring the IdP for use with tunnelers, with BrowZer or with both and add the appropriate callback urls.

In the Auth0 dashboard, with the application selected, choose the "Settings" tab and scroll down to the "Application URIs" section and add the URLs.

For Tunnelers

Tunnelers require an allowed callback URL of: http://localhost:20314/auth/callback.

For BrowZer

The URL to configure for BrowZer will vary depending on the BrowZer configuration. BrowZer requires a wildcard certificate in order to be deployed and all services are delivered from this wildcard domain. You will need to add the configured wildcard domain as the callback url.

For Ziti Admin Console (ZAC)

The URL to configure an IdP for so that ZAC will be able to authenticate will depend on how you deploy your ZAC. The current method recommended to deploy ZAC will deploy it on the same URL as the controller. For example:

From the Settings tab in the Auth0 portal, scroll down until you find the Application URIs section and add the URIs appropriate for the features you are enabling.

Example Callback URLs

Auth0 callbacks

Add a New API

When using ext-jwt-signers with OIDC, OpenZiti validates the security token presented is intended for OpenZiti by looking for and using the aud (audience) field of the JWT. This requires the token (the JWT) to have an audience specified and the ext-jwt-signer to match that audience. For Auth0, this is accomplished by creating an API.

From the left navbar in the Auth0 dashboard, click on Application -> APIs -> Create API

Create API

Auth0 Applications

Any name can be used but as the UI indicates the Identifier* field is used as the audience field of the JWT after successful authentication. Choose RFC 9068 as the JSON Web Token Profile.

Create API

Auth0 clientId