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Tunneling on RedHat and Fedora

Installing the RPM Package

  1. Create a repo file like /etc/yum.repos.d/openziti.repo matching the OS.

Red Hat

Architectures available:

  • x86_64

Use this repo with var $releasever on CentOS 7, Rocky 8-9, and RHEL 7-9.

  1. Run sudo yum update to refresh the repo data cache.

  2. Run sudo yum install ziti-edge-tunnel to install the RPM.

  3. Enable and start the service

    sudo systemctl enable --now ziti-edge-tunnel.service
  4. Add an Identity.

    The tunneller can run with zero or more identities loaded, and needs at least one to make OpenZiti services available on the host. Adding an identity means providing a JWT enrollment token which is used by the tunneller to obtain a client certificate from the OpenZiti controller. Learn more about OpenZiti Identities.

    Add a Single Identity

    Root and members of group ziti may add an identity without restarting.

    sudo ziti-edge-tunnel add --jwt "$(< ./in-file.jwt)" --identity myIdentityName

    Learn more about enrolling.

    Load Identities Directory

    The tunneller will load all enrolled identities in the --identity-dir directory at startup. The default location for identities is is /opt/openziti/etc/identities. Add enrolled identity files to this directory by copying the JSON file into the directory and setting permissions for group ziti.


    Linux package users may place enrollment tokens named *.jwt in this directory for automatic enrollment at next startup.

    Ensure the identities directory is writable by group ziti and not readable by others to protect the confidentiality of the identities.

    sudo chown -cR :ziti        /opt/openziti/etc/identities
    sudo chmod -cR ug=rwX,o-rwx /opt/openziti/etc/identities

    The tunneller process needs to be restarted if the contents of /opt/openziti/etc/identities change.

    # package users can restart with systemd
    sudo systemctl restart ziti-edge-tunnel.service
  5. Configure the Resolver.

    ziti-edge-tunnel run provides a built-in nameserver for the services it is authorized to dial. The nameserver is automatically configured by systemd-resolved, if enabled.

    If systemd-resolved is not enabled, you must configure your resolver to query the tunneler's nameserver. Add Ziti's nameserver to the connection manager, e.g., NetworkManager, Netplan, or by directly editing /etc/resolv.conf.

    You may configure the system resolver to use the tunneler's nameserver as the first or only nameserver.

    When the tunneler nameserver is the first of multiple nameservers and the requested DNS record does not match an authorized service's intercept domain name, it sets the query status to REFUSE. This implies that the caller should keep trying to resolve the domain name with other nameservers.

    To use the tunneler nameserver as the only nameserver, you must specify an upstream nameserver for recursion: ziti-edge-tunnel run --dns-upstream In this configuration, the query status from the upstream nameserver is returned, e.g., NXDOMAIN if the domain name is not found in the tunneler nameserver or the upstream nameserver.

    The IP address of the nameserver (default: is determined by the tunneler's dns-ip-range (default: