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Linux Tunneller

The purpose of the tunneller is to configure host access. This means all users and all processes on the host will share the same level of access. This is accomplished by configuring the OS to have an OpenZiti DNS nameserver and IP routes for authorized services.

Install Linux Package

Reasons to use the package:

  1. Install the tunneller as a systemd service.
  2. Create permissions and policies for the tunneller to run as a non-root user.
  3. Enroll the identity and clean up the enrollment token in identity directory.
  4. Upgrade the tunneller when a new package is available.

Linux DEB packages are currently available for the x86_64 and arm64 platforms and RPM packages are available for x86_64. ARM/v7 (32bit) binaries are available from GitHub.

Run with Docker

Reference the article about running the Linux tunneller in a container for guidance and examples.

Install a Pre-Release

DEB Pre-Release

Pre-release repo for Debian-based distros

You may use the following script to install the pre-release version of the tunneller for any supported Ubuntu LTS.


curl -sSLf \
| sudo gpg --dearmor --output /usr/share/keyrings/openziti.gpg;
sudo chmod +r /usr/share/keyrings/openziti.gpg;

sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ziti-edge-tunnel-testing.list >/dev/null <<EOF;
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/openziti.gpg] ${UBUNTU_LTS} main

sudo apt update;
sudo apt install ziti-edge-tunnel;
ziti-edge-tunnel version;

RPM Pre-Release

Pre-release repo for RedHat-based distros
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/ziti-edge-tunnel-testing.repo >/dev/null <<\EOF;
name=OpenZiti Tunnel Testing

sudo dnf update;
sudo dnf install ziti-edge-tunnel;
ziti-edge-tunnel version;


Refer to the troubleshooting guide