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Kubernetes Console

Use the console by navigating to the controller's address with path /zac/ in a web browser. If you published the controller at, then the console URL is

The correct console URL is displayed after Helm install or upgrade and may be fetched at any time with Helm.

Substitute your Helm release name for 'ziti-controller'
helm get notes "ziti-controller"

Your release ziti-controller was upgraded.

You have chart version 1.0.10 and app version 1.1.3.

To learn more about the release, try:

$ helm status ziti-controller -n miniziti
$ helm get all ziti-controller -n miniziti

This deployment provides an OpenZiti controller to manage an OpenZiti network.

Visit the console in a web browser:
Print the username and password
kubectl get secrets ziti-controller-admin-secret \
--output go-template=\
'{{range $k,$v := .data}}'\
'{{printf "%s: " $k}}{{if not $v}}{{$v}}{{else}}{{$v|base64decode}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}'\
admin-password: UJ2Z4xK1OpagXG94GkAXkR0M4MRNvcOh
admin-user: admin